Today was a great day in primary. I actually got to teach the music today. I had so much fun doing it and the best part about it was that the kids were having fun and they were singing so well!!!! They are a small primary, but they sure know how to raise their voices and sing. I am a little bit nervous about working with the Primary President, but I am sure that I just need to have a change of heart.
Katelund and Cloey looked so cute today. I try to match their dresses each Sunday. If they aren't wearing matching dresses, I at least coordinate their colors and bows to match each other. Cloey is growing into her own little person. She tends to be a little on the stubborn side, but she is so blasted cute that it is really hard not to give in to her. As we say our family prayers each day, she immediately comes over, folds, her arms, and stands or sits quietly throughout the entire prayer. I am hoping that Katelund will learn from her example. Cloey has also turned into quite the climber (she must have got some of the same genes as Ethan). The most common place I find her these days is sitting in the sink smiling at herself in the mirror as she puts on my makeup. On the rare moments that Kate and Cloey are not fighting, they play really well together. I live for those moments. :)
Katelund had a major accident in her panties today in nursery. It was horrible. It got all over a teacher's skirt. I was so embarrased. I offered to pay for the skirt to be dry cleaned but she wouldn't even hear of it. She told me that she just became a Grandma and so she just looks at it as a preparatory experience. She then offered to clean Katelund up herself. I couldn't believe it!!! I am so grateful for people like her who teach me through their incredible examples.
I have been so uplifted this weekend by the Relief Society Broadcast. It was incredible!!! I said a prayer beforehand that as I listened, I would receive my own personal teachings by the Spirit, of the things in my life that I need to change and/or improve upon. My prayer was answered in many incredible ways. I am so grateful for the messages that were given, especially Sister Pingree's talk. She is an amazing speaker to me because I can feel the spirit so strongly as she speaks and testifies of the gospel truths. President Hinckley's talk was also wonderful. I was so excited when Sister Parkin announced that the Prophet would be the concluding speaker. I felt such a sense of renewed commitment and rejuvinated spirit within myself. I am so excited to hear again from the Prophet, Apostles, and other church leaders this upcoming weekend at conference. I really want to focus this week on preparing my mind, heart, and spirit to be taught through the promptings of the Holy Ghost as I listen to the Lord's chosen servants.
I am so grateful for little moments each day as a mother, wife, and member of the church, where my spirit and heart are rejuvenated to increase my testimony, desire, commitment, and love for Heavenly Father's plan for me.