Thursday, September 14, 2006

Fighting for Freedom

I feel like I would be very ungrateful to not express my gratitude for the freedoms that I enjoy so freely. I feel so blessed that I was able to live in Fayetteville for the last 1 1/2. Living so close to Fort Bragg, meant that I was basically part of military life without the sacrifices and benefits. Most all of our friends were in the military. Sometimes I would get a little jealous as they told me of their free healthcare, lack of mortgage payements, and all the other discounts that they receive on so many things. And then as I have had to be there and witness so many families say goodbye to their daddies for up to 18 months, I felt no envy at all. It was so hard to see mothers who would go to church week after week and month after month with 3-5 children who were feeling the stress and weight that their mother carried as she took care of them and all the other household responsibilites on her own. My heart ached for them and my troubles and trials seemed so insignifcant and uncomparable.

About six months ago, Cory and I had to say goodbye to one of our closest friends who was going to Iraq once again. As I said goodbye, I had tears running down my cheek uncontrollably. I just sat and held my friend, and his wife, Deborah as she told me of her fears and worries without even saying a word. One of our other close friends that Cory served with in YMs told us that if we only knew all the terroist activities that occur within our own country, it would be hard to ever feel safe again. I am so grateful that I don't have to know. What a great honor and privilege I have to know such incredible families who serve our country day in and day out and who sacrifice their comfort in order for all of the rest of us to be free.

Really the war on freedom started before we ever came to this earth. We have been fighting this war for a long time. Although I don't have to send my husband off to Iraq, I do send him out in the danger zone each day as he sets out on his own fight for spiritual freedom. I am so grateful for a prophet who has given us directions on how to arm ourselves each day with the armor of God, a sure protection that will keep us safe and free from the war stains of the world.


Sheri Kay said...

I am so blessed to have your family in my life. Thank you for your inspiring words! I am new at this blogging thing, so I was having a hard time remembering how to post a new entry and how to get to your site. I still couldn't tell someone how to do it, I just explore until I find what I want. I will start posting pictures very soon (as soon as I figure it out). Thanks again for your inspiring entries and your encouraging comments!

Love you, SKB

Andrea said...

I think that was such a blessing for you to be living in a military town - and not just for you. It was eye-opening to me, too. It is so easy for me to live my life (and get caught up in it) and forget what is happening in the world - the fact that there are men, women and children who are sacrificing a great deal to ensure my freedom. That same freedom that allows me to live my simple life and not be worried about war and all the other terrible things going on in this world.

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