Thursday, July 13, 2006

Glorified Diapers and Other Random Thoughts

This weekend is Youth Conference for our stake. Cory, Sherrie, Stefani, and John are all going. I am so jealous. Troy Dunn is going to be speaking to them and I want to be there so badly. Since becoming a mother, I am really coming to understand the story in the Bible of Mary and Martha. Many times I feel like I have to be Martha (in the kitchen preparing for the dinner) when I would much rather be Mary (listening to the Savior/one of his servants and feeling the spirit). There are blessings that come with both so I will not murmur but rather be grateful for the opportunity and blessing that I have to spend with my beautiful children (all though today they are not so happy which in turn makes it harder for me to be happy). Both girls woke up at 6 am this morning so I am hoping for a long nap from each of them.

Last night in cub scouts I did an activity about Indians. I wanted to read them an Indian (sorry, I mean Native American) folklore story but I had such a hard time finding one that was appropriate. There were so many that were about hate, killing, affairs, etc. Finally I found one about how the dog came to the Indians. It was pretty funny. I am so grateful that I don't have to tell or listen to those kind of stories or myths in order to come up with a reason for how things were created. Just knowing that Heavenly Father, His Son, and Adam created the earth is all that I need to know for now.

Yesterday I decided to just put Katelund into training underwear because the pull-up has just turned into a glorified diaper that is easier to take off when it's dirty. After cleaning up Katelund's poop off the carpet yesterday, I decided that I think I will wait a little longer. Maybe she'll be potty trained before she goes to school, then again maybe not. It is such a frusgrating SLOW process!!! Although there was a little ray of sunlight when Katelund woke up at 6 am this morning and went straight to the potty to go pee pee. I couldn't believe it, I thought to myself "she has finally caught on". The thought has since left after once again changing a glorified wet diaper a couple of hours later. What a vicious cycle it is!!!!!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Glad to know I'm not the only one feeling completely frustrated by potty training right now. I seriously think potty training is one of the WORST parts of motherhood - at least for my stubborn, independent children. (And I know that fits Katelund, too!)

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