Friday, November 21, 2008

Reasons to Rejoice

I don't know if it is just me, but has anyone else noticed how doom and gloom everything is on the news and everywhere else? It just seems like there are so many people who are filled with despair, people who are without hope for this great country in which we live and for the current financial and economic situations that we have found ourselves in. I know that times are tough and that there is a full-frontal attack that is going on right now on family and marriage, but why are people feeling so discouraged and disheartened? We know that the war on morals will only continue to get worse. We know that the attacks on family will only get more intense. BUT...we have every reason to rejoice.

We know who is going to win this war. We know that we are on the winning side...the Lord's side. So why should we fear? Moroni, he had reasons to despair and fear. He was all alone, living his life in hiding, as he watched his entire civilization fall. I couldn't even imagine how difficult that must have been. But us? There are thousands even millions of us who are on the winning side. I believe that people are better and stronger than ever. We have the ability to make a difference. Together we can stand immovable on the Lord's side. We can help bear one another's burdens and reach out to those who are suffering (financially, physically, or emotionally). I am so sick of hearing people complain that everything is so horrible b/c Obama is president and now everything is going to fall to pieces. I believe that there is some good in Obama and I believe there are some good men in high places who are still fighting for the right thing.

How thankful I am to live right now. To live in a time where I must take a stand, it is no longer a time where one can just sit on the fence. If we are prepared spiritually and temporally there is no reason to fear. We must rejoice for the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We must rejoice for a living prophet who stands here on the earth to lead this great army of righteousness. We must rejoice for all that is good. We must rejoice in our Savior, the commander of our army, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and know that He will come again.

We have every reason to rejoice.


Unknown said...

Great post, Melissa. It is good to be reminded of that. There is still so much good all around us!

Lena said...

I love this post Melissa. You are so right.

Amber said...

Amen sister!! We have to be proactive. The only way that we can engage change is to stand up and be a part of the solution. If we don't like who is president (and I'm not going to lie, I DON"T!!) then we have to do what we can. We can't change instantaneously the issues that are causing so much doom and gloom but we can make our voices heard so that this country will continue to be what it is promised to be if we are a righteous people.

Love it!

InkMom said...

Bravo! I'm fired up now!

Tricia said...

Your passion is contagious; your cause is just and true. We may not change a nation, but by changing individuals, we change families who change communities, and on and on. We have the power within us to stand strong and immoveable in the face of those things that must reamain steadfast.

MANDY said...

I totally agree with you. I was reminded of Pres. Hinckley and how he often reminded us to rejoice and be encouraged, no matter how desperate some things may seem in our world today. I am even more aware of what I need to do to prepare.....more food storage, work on saving more $, and of course be spiritually diligent. I, too, believe that our president-elect has good in him. I think he has good intentions and wants to do good things. Some of the things he stands for are very difficult for me, but all I can do is stay true to my own beliefs and not sit by quietly, or worse.....complaining and not doing my part. We are responsible for how we choose to react to stressful circumstances and less than desirable you said, it is only going to get worse and perseverence will lead us to Him.

Staceroo said...

Thanks for being a voice of truth -a light shining in the darkness for others to follow. That was awesome!!

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