Monday, November 03, 2008

I felt like this post may com ascross as offensive so I decided to just erase it.

I think that we are all just doing the very best that we can and in voting we should vote for whomever we feel will do the best job not only for us individually, but also for our great country.

God bless America!!


Lew said...

I'm just going to write in "Mitt Romney".
Really though, I feel very similar to you, but I have to say it's John McCain for me only because I feel he is the better of the two choices (for a few reasons), but I don't like him very much either. I'm not happy with this election and I'm definitely not happy with the millions of phone calls I get everyday trying to convince me who to vote for, offering a ride to the polls if I vote for Obama, etc...
Good luck with your decision! That's a great point you make about Palin and the sanctity of motherhood. I'd never really thought of that before.

Jenny P. said...

Oh, I so so wish I had Mitt Romney to vote for. It was McCain for me too... simply because there was more that I disagreed with overall with Obama.. I've never been a huge fan of McCain, but I think he's more likely to do less damage... And I'm thinking the house and the senate are likely to be largely democratic after this election... and I don't think it's healthy regardless of your political affiliation to have your entire congress and your executive branch largely dominated by one party...

I've always had reservations about Palin for one reason or another...

And I'll be really glad when this is all over.

Tara said...

I too have had the same thoughts about Palin not being in her home raising her children and in the beginning it sort of bugged me. However, I remembered the in my partriarchal blessing it specifically tells me to get involved in politics so that I can help our nation remain a free nation until the coming of Christ. I think we all must do whatever we can to contribute and if she thinks she can make a difference and be a source for good, then I support that.

I think there are sometimes there must be exceptions, especially in the case when a person can do a whole lot of good. I like her...she is grounded and obviously a family person. She travels as often with her family as possible and she sincerely seems like a good mother.

Ultimately, I could not support Obama because of his liberal views on abortion and gay marriage. For me, the church leadership has spoken on these issues and it is a done deal.

Tara said...

Mitt was my vote too! Can we have a do over?

Melissa said...

Thanks for your comments Tara. I think you have a REALLY GOOD point!!

Melissa said...

Maybe if we all write Mitt Romney's name on the ballot then they will have a do over. That would be great!!

InkMom said...

I sort of inherited my political beliefs, as many of, I'm sure did. And so I was pretty sure of my vote, but I wanted to be certain, so I did some extensive research. Mostly, I researched health insurance issues and economic plans, and then did some reading about Obama's affiliation with Bill Ayers and other domestic terrorists. (I finally decided all of that stuff has been blown way out of proportion . . . but that's neither here nor there at this point.) Then, I did some reading on economic theory, and about different economic systems that exist in the world and how they work. I mean, if they're calling Obama a closet socialist or Marxist, I'd better figure out if they have grounds to do so.

So, after all this research, and mulling it over in my small-business-owner's brain, I decided to vote against Obama's tax and health care initiatives. I have a huge problem when government entities begin to compete in the common market, which is what he wants to do with health insurance. Admittedly, the system is flawed as it is now -- there is no question. But when government entities begin to compete, they, by definition, have an advantage that none of the other competition has access to, and so the end result will be the elimination of all other competition, and voila! We have socialized medicine. I also take issue with his assertion that he will do a lot for small business. After researching his plan, I learned that his definition of small business is very narrow, and doesn't include many of the businesses that have tried to manage their money wisely by becoming a sub-chapter S corporation, like we have. In an S Corp, the business is a pass through, so all profit at the end of the year is passed through to the business owner's personal taxes. Note it's profit, not cash flow, that is passed through, so usually, it's just money on paper that no one has access to because it has been put back into the business. Often, this means that not only are corporate taxes killing the business owner, but then personal taxes are too, because that passed through profit may push them over that upper earnings limit imposed by Obama's tax plan.

I could go on for hours . . . sorry for the long post!

InkMom said...

Forgot to comment on the Palin issue. So here's my two-more cents worth: you're right. She is choosing to not be around for her family. But isn't that something she should wrestle with personally? My vote has to be determined by political fitness and issues that I think are executive in nature. For example, I am decidedly pro-life, but I am more likely to vote on that issue alone when dealing with a legislative race rather than an executive one, because legislation is more likely to affect that particular issue. Although, executives have the ability to appoint judges, who could in turn then uphold or overturn existing laws (don't get me started on how much legislation happens from the bench, absolutely contrary to constitutional law). I'm with MommyJ . . . I'll be glad when it's all over!

Melissa said...

I am in the same boat as you I think. There are different aspects that I agree on with both candidates, and I really am not a huge fan of either one of them. At this point, I am still undecided, but as I have read your blog post & comments, especially the one from Tara, it has helped me get closer to my decision. Good luck tomorrow! Oh, and by the way, your girls look so adorable in their costumes! I'm sure Chloe loved being a princess all night & getting candy for it. ;)

Jen said...

We have early voting by mail here in tonight our household is having a voting party. I'm not looking forward to it because it will be so much work to read up on all of the issues. I've been avoiding politics for a while because it got to heated for me...and too drawn out.

Anyway Mel, I agree with you about Sarah Palin. The first thing that went through my head when I saw her nominated was, "what is she thinking!?! She has a new baby at home with MAJOR problems. That baby needs to be raised by mommy--not by big sister."

I support women in politics. Women without young children at home. I think she should focus on that baby and try politics again when her baby is grown.

I also don't want to offend working moms. I was raised by one. She was a good mom. I think it is a very personal choice. But if one has the choice, I think that choosing full-time motherhood is the best choice.

Good luck deciding! (It's so tough being a grown up!)

MANDY said...

Every presidential race has been tough for me since I've been of voting age.....I never feel that I trust either candidate enough to be President of the United States....this is a nation founded because of our Heavenly Father and our government has gone too far from Him. I totally feel your pain. Through prayer...that's how I have to decide.

Staceroo said...

In this election I also felt like I was having to make a choice between the lesser of the two evils. But if you don't vote at all then it's like you aren't letting your voice be heard and you have no right to complain about the laws and choices that are made in this country. It truly is a mess. You could always do what my grandma did . . . every election she would write in my grandpa for president, in good conscious. ;) Good luck!

Staceroo said...

I meant conscience, not conscious. Sorry, it was late.

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