Thursday, November 20, 2008

Ditsy Moments

I don't know why, but lately I have had quite a few ditsy moments. I don't know what the deal is. For example, the other day I said to Cory (while looking at the calendar). Oh wow, Cory, Black Friday is actually on Friday this year. He looked at me and said, "seriously?". Yes. I was serious. Totally forgot that Thanksgiving is always on a Thursday.

Yesterday I was dropping off Ashley (I'd been staying with her and her brothers while their mom was out of town) at school. High School (that is an important part of the story). We were talking and laughing about something and then Ashley turns to me and says, "Um, Sister Mann, you went in the wrong lane." Yep, I'd totally turned into the lane that had a BIG RED "DO NOT ENTER" sign. I felt so bad as she walked into school with her coat over her head so nobody would know who was riding with that dumb driver. J/K, she didn't put her coat over her head, but I wouldn't have blamed her if she did.

I showed up for ward council meeting 30 minutes late because somehow I forgot when it started (although I do go to that meeting every month).

We took the youth on a temple trip this last weekend. I drove around FOREVER looking for the Cicis (that was right down the road from the temple) while everyone else was there waiting for us.

I could seriously keep going, but I think I'll spare myself the humiliation.


Stefi Patterson said...

These are part of the reasons why I miss you! You make me laugh so much! I love you

Bonnie said...

Melissa, Reading this makes me feel sooooo much better. seriously thought I was getting allstimers(don't know how to spell it). I can't remember when ward council is either.the black friday thing,can't help you there:)

Lew said...

I have totally been brain-dead too, lately. What is up? It must be in the water.

InkMom said...

Sleep deprivation, too much to do and think about simultaneously, mother brain, any of the above. I just read something about how being a mom makes you smarter -- I'm serious here. Someone smart did a study about mother brain and it turns out, we should all be geniuses based on the number of brain cells we expend on behalf of our children. Funny. I certainly don't feel smarter when I put my hairbrush in the refrigerator, or omit major important ingredients from recipes I'm trying to follow . . . I, too, could go on.

You're not alone!

MANDY said...

I think it's hormonal....sometimes we just get like that. Don't feel bad, it happens to most of us....I could tell you some stories.

Jenny P. said...

It could have been worse... you could have had a full length conversation with a computer, without ever realizing it wasn't a real person you were talking to. :)

And really, just like everyone else, I could go on too... we are all in this together, aren't we?

Amber said...

That's great. It's always nice to know that we're not alone. I think, for me, it sometimes comes from a lack of "grown-up communication". Most of my conversations during the day include Dora, knock-knock jokes, and playing pretend. I'm not sure why we lose our minds sometimes??

Unknown said...

I think my favorite part of this run down of mommy-brain-moments is that Black Friday is on a Friday this year. I bet there will be some extra special door busters for that!! Thanks for the smile!

Tricia said...

And who was it who said your blog is not funny?! Oh, my goodness! Friday...Glad you're straight on that. I can't even comment on the ditsy...most of yours goes away...mine lingers on and on. I wasn't always like this, I swear!

C. Leah said...

You are not alone. I was born ditsy...and it hasn't gone away yet. ;)

erin sheely said...

Ha! Oh are awesome. Isn't it just the way sometimes?

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