Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Counting my many blessings...

Earlier today, Katelund walked in on me as I was changing clothes. She instantly noticed the big scar on my stomach from my emergency c-section. (I don't have the normal c-section scar, I have a bigger one that starts a little bit below my belly button and runs about 6 inches down). She asked me why it was still there? I told her that it was a scar and that it will be there forever. She instantly corrected me and said, "you mean it will be there until Jesus heals you when He comes again?" Why is that my 5 year old daughter can speak more directly to my heart than anyone else? The tears started to well up in my eyes as my love for her overflowed within me. As I have pondered this thought all day, I have felt so much gratitude! I feel as if my understanding of the Atonement has increased over the last 4 months (today is exactly4 months since Clairisa's death), but I also know that in my mortal mind my understanding and comprehension of the most significant event in all of history is on quite a molecular level. But, I do know that because of that supernal act, I can be healed...we can all be healed. Healed of wounds that may or may not be visible. Wounds that may pierce so deep into our heart that healing is merely impossible without intervention from Deity.

This Thanksgiving, I feel as though my gratitude is deeper than it has ever been. I feel so grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ. I couldn't even begin to imagine what suffering would be like without knowing the Healer. I am so thankful for my children and my husband. Each one of them have and continue to change and refine me in their own unique ways. How thankful I am for family and friends. That sentence has never meant more to me than it does now. During these last 4 months, I have literally been carried upon the wings of so many angels in my life. I cannot even begin to express my gratitude and love for all of the MANY selfless acts of love. As I continually count my many blessings and name them one by one, I am not only surprised but in awe of all that the Lord has done.


InkMom said...

I have great admiration for your strength, and how you have taken a personal tragedy and learned so much from your experience. You are remarkable.

Unknown said...

I too think you are remarkable. I think it's amazing how you continue to share the things you are learning. I'm so glad I read this tonight! You are an incredible example to me. Sweet Katelund. You are doing such an amazing job with your girls. Happy Thanksgiving!

Andrea said...

Happy Thanksgiving. Love you guys. Hope you have a wonderful day.

Tricia said...

I am so grateful for you and for who you are. I am am also grateful for your willingness to share your heart with us, your friends, family, and readers. Your testimony strengthens me.

Rebecca said...

Are you guys here for the weekend?

Amber said...

Thanks, I needed that today.

All Fun Family said...

Katelund is such a sweetheart. What a good reminder of the Atonement. I love you!

Ashlie said...

I don't think you realize how much you are an example to me. Sometimes I make sure to always read your blog especially if I'm having a hard time because I know you always have uplifting things to say. So, I thank you for that.

MANDY said...

thank you, melissa. you and your children are reminders to me often of what it means to have a home of learning and faith. you guys amaze me by how much of the gospel your girls understand already. i love you, and katelund, and am so glad that i finally got to catch up on your blog and be reconnected with you through this post. i'd like to talk to you sometime this week, ok?

Lisa said...

little kids are so sweet! melissa asked me how she came out of my belly and i showed her my c-section scar and she kissed it and said she was sorry for leaving me a scar. of course i started to cry, we've got wonderful little girls who take care of us so many times.

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