Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I have a new running partner...my next door neighbor Lily. She is 10 years old and the cutest thing ever. One day I was telling her about how we are running a family fun run on Thanksgiving morning. She told me that she wanted to do it too and so yesterday she came and knocked on my door to ask me if I could go running with her. How adorable is that?? As soon as Cory got home we were out the door. It was SO COLD, but we had a great time. It is so fun to hear and see life through a 10- year-old girl's perspective.

This morning Katelund crawled in to bed with me and told me that she had something to tell me...she has a boyfriend. AHHHHH!!! I never imagined it would start this early...although even as I type that sentence I realize that I had my first boyfriend at 4 years old. What was wrong with me? I decided to set some ground rules. I told Katelund that she cannot have a boyfriend until she is in college and that she can't get married until she is 25. She then asked me, "Mommy when were you married?" At the very same time I said "almost 20" and Cory said "19" and started laughing his head off. Katelund then said, "Well there is nobody in my class that I want to marry." Should I be relieved or worried?

Last night Cory and I took the girls on a "walk". I found two cans of Halloween silly string that I'd been saving and I thought it would be fun to have a silly string attack on the girls. We walked them down to the end of the street and then we started to spray like crazy. Well instead of the fun crazy excitement that I was hoping for....both, Katelund and Cloey, were in tears. Apparently they were scared because they thought it was spider webs. So much for my great idea. Talk about the ultimate back fire.

Cloey is having some major trauma in her life. It is officially too cold to wear a skirt everyday of her life. I have been forcing her to wear pants. I don't know how she will ever get through fall and winter! She says, "pants are not beautiful mommy." "You are so mean to me." I am just so excited for her teenage years! (If you didn't notice, that last sentence is DRIPPING with sarcasm) :)

I swear the longer that Cory and I have been married, the more our minds are becoming in sync. I have been thinking for the last couple of weeks that I really need to buy us some anticavity mouth rinse like the girls use. Well yesterday on his way home from work guess what he picks up at the store? That's right....anticavity mouth rinse. How did he know? He said that he'd been thinking the same thing. That is not the first time this has happened. It has actually happened a lot lately. Maybe I should start thinking about how I want a cricut for Christmas???


Amber said...

So much to comment on...

First-You are too cute!! I love that you went running with a ten year old. You are so patient and loving. I swear I learn from you all the time.

Second- A couple of days ago Brooklynn told me that she was pretending she had a boyfriend. AAHH is right!! Where is this coming from with these little ones? I'm glad to know that we're not the only ones telling our daughter that she can't get married until she's 25!!

Third- I think the silly string story is the funniest, yet saddest thing I have heard in a long time. The funny thing is that when my mom was reading that story to me I totally had this "mind vision" of how excited that would make you and how tickled you would be when you were spraying them. I could totally see it!

Fourth- With Cloey, I think you may need to invest in leggings in every color to put under the dresses and skirts so that she can quote "be beautiful". Ha!

Lastly, I love it when you have a friend, a best friend, even your husband who you can read their thoughts without knowing it.

I love you and miss you! Oh ya, think "Cricut Expression"!! LOL!

Jenny P. said...

I turned 19 a week after my wedding... but Lucy is also not allowed to date until she's 25. I think it's a perfectly reasonable standard! :)

Oh, that's so funny and sort of sad about the silly string!

I can totally relate on the misery of having to wear pants... not my own misery, I actually love a pair of great blue jeans... but Lucy's misery. She has two outfits that have leggings that she wears under longer shirts that are almost like dresses, as she describes... I've been washing them a lot lately, while her nice little blue jeans stay nice and clean and never worn. Little stinker!

What's a cricut?

Melissa said...

WHAT'S A CRICUT?????? Only the greatest thing ever!! Do you like to scrapbook or make cards? If so, you have to save up for one. It is kindof like Di-cuts but cuter and you can choose your font (for the letters) and size. You'll have to look it up online or stop by a Michaels. Do you have one of those? :) LOL.

Jenny P. said...

Okay... can't say I'd ever heard of them... I researched, watched a little video on a scrapbooking blog, and I have to say, it was very cool...

I am perhaps, a mild scrapbooker. I have albums for my kids, but I'm generally pretty basic... still I think that would be a way fun tool to have though...

so, miss modesty who so casually says all the stuff for super saturday was "kim's stuff"... I hear you are quite gifted as well and will be making your own contributions to the day. I would love to see your albums sometime. :)

Jenny P. said...

albums... and what ever else it is that you do. :)

Unknown said...

I love all this randomness. Boys are bad! (Unless they are your own.) Better to throw rocks at boys than to have boyfriends I think.

That silly string story is so funny/sad! How did you react?

Poor Cloey, I can't believe how mean you are to her! Avery would be everyday in a dress too If I'd let her. She has to wear pants at least 2 days a week for PE.

That is so awesome you went running with your neighbor.
love ya!

Keep thinking about that Cricut! (Then lets have a scrapnight to break it in!!) I saw them on sale at Wal-Mart for around $187 (I don't know if that's a deal or not.)

Melissa said...

Sadly, it is a deal.

Bonnie said...

melissa I am soooo glad I found your blog. I have been thinking so much about you lately. Now I am crying ( i'm stupid I know)I am the Primary President in our ward and I was sitting at church sunday thinking about how good of a job you use to always do as music leader. I loved how you always wrangled those kids in and kept their attention. you are the bomb and I wish I had you here. Congrats on the new one which I know she is not so new now but I am so happy for you.

lots of love

Bonnie said...

I am the BIGGEST IDIOT. no clue about your loss. now I am really crying.

Rebecca said...

I love your blog! That about sums it up!!

Lisa said...

you are too cute! i laughed out loud about the girls being scared and crying. i know it really isn't funny but i would have done the same thing you did. their so cute! and i think you will have to invest in some leggings. she'll love them! i think the cricut is on sale at hobby lobby for $159 this week. i have the old one but now michales exclusively has the newer version so i am patiently (not really) waiting for it to the other stores where it will be cheaper. good luck! i will be sending cricut thoughts corys way :-)

Lew said...

I thought of you tonight when I was at Michael's and saw cricuts at 50% off (for 50 bucks or something, but I think it was the most basic model). I didn't know what they were either until I looked them up online after reading your blog. I totally want a vinyl copier (if that's what they are even called)...the things where you can print sayings for your walls and stuff. But, they aer outrageously expensive.
Cute story about running with your neighbor. And, when I was at Walmart tonight, I picked up two things of silly string...I want to see how my boys react. I thought it was a totally fun idea!!
Love ya!

MANDY said...

Love your randomness.....the silly string thing got me, I have to say. I can picture it, just like Amber said she did. You and Cory are too cute, you know? The boyfriend thing is a funny topic for me, because Bethany learned last year in preschool that "even though the other kids might have boyfriends and girlfriends, you don't because that's for college when it's time to find the person you're going to marry." And luckily, she totally bought into it, so she tells me all the time how she won't have a boyfriend until college. We actually talk about it quite a bit, because this adorable little boy keeps writing her "I love you" notes, and she says "He's my friend,Mom. I love all my friends."

Tricia said...

Emma's favorite outfit always includes the pair of jeans that have holes in the knees because they "fit just right" on her bottom - She tells me this as she slides her hands down her backside. Sheesh!
After school Wed she proceeds to tell me about the boy who is in love with her. "And I love him, too. It must be true love." I ask how she knows. His friends told her! In the first grade?! She has had a crush on him since last year and is thrilled "he says my hair is pretty." AHHH! is right!

Jenna said...

I love reading your random updates!! I think that is so funny/sad about the silly string attack. And good luck with the cricut. I have one and can't say enough good things about it! I love it!

erin sheely said...

Emma loves skirts too and like your friend said, leggings and yoga pants underneath do the trick!! At least it worked for Emma. Oh the silly string thing is soooo funny. Don't you love trying to do something fun with your kids that just totally does not work?

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