Thursday, October 23, 2008

Halloween Costumes

Last Saturday I took the girls to Walmart to pick out their costumes (yes, I know that if I were a really good mom I would make them myself, but this year it's not happening). Anyways, Katelund chose a Tinkerbell costume and Cloey chose a pink princess dress (surprise, surprise). :) They insisted that I needed to get a costume as well, so I told them that I'd wear whatever they picked out for me. They chose a purple Renaissance Queen costume. It is actually pretty cute. On the ride home Katelund said, "Ok, so your the queen and Cloey's the princess so I have to be Tinkerbell to protect you both. So what's Daddy going to be?" I said, "I don't know what do you want him to be?" She then said very matter-of-factly, "Well, I think he should be Superman because Superman saves the day and Daddy ALWAYS saves the day."


Staceroo said...

That is the sweetest! It is so cute how the girls think of their dad as a superhero who saves the day. Remind them of this when they're teenagers . . .

Stefi Patterson said...

Cory has always been a superMANN. Children can be so cute!

Unknown said...

Katelund and Cloey have it all figured out. You are a queen and daddy is a superhero! Very sweet!

Deon said...

That is the cutest story! He needs to be Superman now. She does have it all figured out. Too cute!!!

Lew said...

How cute!! What sweet little girls...

Lisa said...

awww, sounds like you have a couple of daddys girls over there. so cute!!

MANDY said...

Ok, so I want to see pictures of these costumes being modeled, and I do expect Cory to deliver on the Superman costume. heehee How could he turn them down when they think so much of him, right?

All Fun Family said...

aww, that's so sweet!

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