Thursday, October 30, 2008

Not Funny Enough?

So I just got off the phone with my sister Andrea. She was talking about someone's blog that she reads and how funny it is. Then later on in that same conversation she said something that I heard as..."Your blog is always serious and never funny." So just to get the record straight.....I AM FUNNY!! Do you like how I have to declare my sense of humor to everyone...that must be a bad sign.

So here I am trying to be funny....

Yesterday was a pretty big day in my life. It was the opening of...(wait for it)....SUPER WALMART! Not only was it a brand new big clean store where I can buy my favorite brand of Great Value...but it is also 1.5 miles away from my front door. I was so excited about it that I was actually seriously considering attending the ribbon cutting. I didn't, but only because it was at 7:30 am (which is the time where I am frantically running around in my robe making breakfast, packing lunch, and forcing Katelund to brush her teeth and get dressed). So I ended up going later in the day and spent about 2 hours just pushing my cart around the store while Cloey was crying because she wanted everything she could see. So after picking out everything that I really "needed" and buying groceries for the rest of the week, I ended up checking out with a grand total of.....$66. You just can't beat that.

How did I do? Did anyone laugh, even just a little bit? So maybe I am not funny like MommyJ, Ciera, Leslie, Destinee, Andrea..etc, etc,....okay so maybe I'm not funny.

So on to more serious matters. :) For all of you serving in YWs, I have to tell you about our fun activity this week. We played glow in the dark basketball. I bought an actual glow in the dark bball at Target and then I bought a bunch of glow stick bracelets. I numbered off the youth and all of the "ones" got a yellow or green bracelet and the "twos" got a red or orange bracelet. Then I took them into the gym and told them the rules (really there aren't too many rules to playing basketball in the dark except be nice, play fair, and good luck getting a basket). Then I turned off the gym lights and turned on a strobe light and black light (thanks Destinee). It was SO MUCH FUN!!! Then I gave a spiritual message at the end about increasing the light of Christ in their lives and eliminating the darkness that comes from sin. Then I gave them Oreos for dessert (you know the light layer surrounded by darkness).

Oh by the way, Katelund and Cloey cut each other's hair last Saturday while they were home with Daddy. Good thing we just spent $50 a month ago getting them adorable little haircuts. So here we go with haircutting experience ROUND 3!!! What is the deal???

I know this is a long post, but I had a bad day and I can't call anyone b/c EVERYONE is watching the Office (ANDREA) and Cory is playing basketball at the church.

I can't find my camera battery charger anywhere and it is making me CRAZY!!! How am I supposed to make it through Halloween without a camera???

This week was Clairisa's original due date. Brittney (my other sister-in-law) had her baby today. It was an emotional week and that's all I'll say because I'm sure that everyone is sick of hearing about my sorrows.

That's it. Happy Halloween!


Andrea said...



P.S. - Would a few more of you please tell Melissa that she is funny? Please! :)

Melissa said...

Andrea, you must have been so bored reading my post that you stopped half way through!!! Otherwise, I know you would've commented on the fact that I can't take pictures on Halloween or the fact that my children cut their hair again, or if anything about how much you LOVED the Office. You are the brat! Love ya. :)

Andrea said...

Oh. My.

Dear Melissa,

After reading your funny - no, hysterical - blog post thoroughly, I have a few things I would like to address.

#1 - Congratulations on the opening of your Super WalMart. It will change your life. Maybe not all in good ways. But mostly. However, I wish you had attending the ribbon cutting. That would have made a most excellent blog post.

#2 - I do like how I was personally listed as one of the funny people you are striving to be more like.

#3 - I do like how my name was mentioned 3 times during this post.

#4 - I love your glow in the dark basketball game. That was a great idea. [give yourself a pat on the back for me now...] It really does sound like fun.

#5 - I cannot believe your girls cut each other's hair! Where are the pictures!?! Man, you really should keep a better eye on them. I mean, I would never let that happen. Oh wait... I'm suddenly seeing the image of a kindergartener, a pair of scissors and a chunk of hair... nevermind. You're a great mom/grown up. It happens to the best of us. [Oh, and I love the fact that it happened on daddy's watch. That's how it was when Abby cut hers, too.]

#6 - I cannot believe you are not going to be taking pictures on Halloween. You better have SOMEONE take a picture for us! Geez...

#7 - I didn't LOVE The Office. Sorry. I'm a little disappointed this season. I mean there were some funny parts. And Pam was in the episode more than she has been. That was a good thing.

Alright. Was that a thorough enough comment? I'm surprised it hasn't cut me off yet.

Happy Halloween. I can't wait to see the pictures of the girls and their new costumes! Oh wait... :)

Love you!

Melissa said...

Now that is more like it!!! Those are the kind of comments I'd like to see on every one of my posts from now one. LOL :). Is it sad that I have now officially written half of the comments on MY post???

Melissa said...

AND the fact that I have called you after I have written each one so that I can hear you laugh while you read it? (Yes, I am calling you right now).

Jenny P. said...

Melissa, you are so funny!! Um, really I think loving walmart enough to want to attend the ribbon cutting ceremony is hilarious all by itself. Walmart is a necessary evil in my life. Cause it's the only place I have to shop. And it isn't even a super walmart. I may get excited about a super walmart. Or a super ingles. Or any grocery store other than the not so great ones I have to choose from. Where was I?

Oh yes. Melissa being funny. :) You are. I love the dynamic between you and your sister. Makes me feel like I need to call my sister right now. I should send you my phone number. You can totally call me when the office is on. I wouldn't mind.

And the haircutting...they still looked cute last sunday... even with self cut hair. Sam cut Lucy's hair once. About a square inch section right on top of her head... down to the roots. She looked like a rooster for three months.

I love the idea for glow in the dark basketball... we'd have to play two on two... or one on one during a slow week! :) Remind me to tell you about the standards night activity we had on saturday... I'm totally impressed with your spiritual message at the end. I need to do better at that.

Okay that's all. :)

Jenny P. said...

Even though loving walmart enough to attend the ribbon cutting ceremony is funny all by itself, you made it funny in the telling as well. :)

Unknown said...

Okay, girl. I think you are totally funny and also talented in soooo many ways.
I'm so glad your basketball idea worked out! That was such a fabulous idea!
I can't wait to see Cloey and Katelund's new do's. Avery has only done that once and she did surprisingly well, adding a few framing layers around her naughty little face. I'm sure it's much more fun with a sister though so maybe that is still ahead in my future. I wish I'd read this earlier. I totally would have called you. The Office, not really worth my time. I'm with Andrea on that one. It's a major disappointment cause that is the only show I really watch. And it's turning lame. Major bummer about your battery charger. I'll totally get a few of your girls tomorrow. Can't wait to see ya'll!
I'm sorry it's been such an emotional week. I'm sure missing Clairisa is especially hard this week. I'm not sick of hearing your sorrows. I am sorry that you are going through such a hard thing though.
And I love when posters comment on their own blogs.
And I'll see you tomorrow!
love ya

Melissa said...

your girls make me smile! The other day Jackson was laying by me in bed and I could feel him holding a strand of my hair. I said, "Jackson, what are you doing?" and he said, "cutting your hair!" the little stinker had scissors and was getting ready to cut my hair!!! Luckily they were only the playdough scissors, and didn't actually cut anything... or there would have been one mean mama. :) I too am sorry for the trial you are going through right now, especially with sister-in-laws having babies & everyone else being pregnant. Hang in there... you're doing great & we all love you!

Anonymous said...

I thought you were funny even before the hilarious blog! remember the cards you never used that I found when helping you unpack. That was hysterical!
PS you could have called me:(
Love mom by the beach

Ciera said...

See, you're multi-faceted. You can be funny AND serious; All I cn do is funny. I do believe that makes you double-y more talanted.

InkMom said...

Don't worry, Melissa, I'm not funny either! Except for right now, and only if you could see me trying to read your blog, because for some reason on my laptop, the font color is really faint against the background color, and I am contorting my body in all kinds of weird shapes to achieve just the right angle so I can read your hilarious words!

Congrats on the Wal-mart. I'm glad it lights up your life. (Side note: it pains me to say that! I haven't been to Wal-mart in almost two years. They treated me very badly right after Lil' Maa-Maa was born and I have been boycotting them on principle ever since. Maybe yours will have nicer people working there!)

Sorry it's been a tough week . . . you could call me, too!

Jenny P. said...

Hey... love your new header... great picture!!

Unknown said...

It was soo great to see you today! I love the new look of your blog! Great header. Love the title. Love everything!

Rebecca said...

I, too, like the new look of your blog. Great colors!!

Lew said...

Hey Melissa,
Ok, whatever! You are totally funny (how many times can everyone say that??? But, really, you are!!). Not only that, but you are one of the sweetest people I know. So there!
I'm really sorry for the hard day/week you had. I really wish I had been more aware (although, I should have been just from all you have been through). Forgive me. You are so great and I can't wait till girls night!
Love ya!!

Lisa said...

i knew there was a reason melissa has never been allowed to even touch scissors before. ha! that's too cute! i must say any store with super in front of it is a favorite of mine. hope your camera will be working soon enough. love ya!!!

MANDY said...

Okay, my make me laugh, girl. thank goodness for our kids or I don't think very many moms would have funny things to share on their blogs. When I read about the hair-cutting.....I gasped loudly. I'm sure you could see my horrific reaction if Bethany cut her hair......she has never had access to scissors because I'm so afraid of that. (I had some traumatic hair-cutting experiences as a kid.) And, Brad received a warning about what will happen to him if this happens while he is on duty. ;) Also, LOVED the ym/yw activity idea....I'm totally calling you when I get called to YW someday. You know - I wish you would have called me. I love you.

Staceroo said...

I thought you were funny when reading the randomness blog before I even got to this one. I mean, what kind of mom thinks of assaulting her kids with silly string? That cracked me up right there. Your children are going to have plenty of stories to tell about your hilariousness . . . Your girls are very lucky to have you.

erin sheely said...

Oh no!! Haircutting!! I'm soooo scared that my kids will do that someday. And I am still in mourning over the loss of having a super walmart 10 minutes from my house. You know you are hilarious Melissa! I'm so sorry that this has been a hard week for you...that's two hard things at a time. That's alot.

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