Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Katelund's Favorite Dress

When I was little I remember that I had a jean skirt that I ALWAYS wanted to wear. Although I'm sure it drove my mom crazy, she let me wear it anyway. Well...Katelund has decided that this dress is her favorite dress ever. Not only does she want to wear it every Sunday, but she also wants to wear it during the week. It really is not my favorite dress, and I have this weird thing about not wanting my girls to wear the same dress or skirt to church for at least a couple of months. Well, I finally gave in and this Sunday she wore the same dress that she had worn two Sundays before. It was quite a step for me. It know that it is so ridiculous that I even care because I know that nobody else does, but I guess it is just one of my quirks.


Beth said...

The dress could be a lot worse... I think she probably likes it because she looks like a Princess! I was thinking of Kate the other day when I saw this big trunk on sale at one of the stores that was full of princess outfits. Hope you're having a good week :-)

Amber said...

she looks so cute. that isn't ridiculous. i totatlly do the same thing. if brooklynn wears the same dress within two months i feel like i have to go buy her something new. it's really bad. i feel your pain. good for you for letting her do her thing!!

Andrea said...

I'm so proud of your for breaking your rule. (Although I thought the rule was much closer to: they could not wear the same dress in the same year!) He, he!

Anonymous said...

Haha, that's so funny! Lillie (my 4 year old) seems to end up with a new favorite dress every few weeks.....so I end up buying her these extravagant princess dresses to get her to wear something different every Sunday! I'm tellin' ya, ebay is my best friend!!

Anonymous said...

She is looking pretty in this shiny pink and black dress!! Nice picture of babies!!

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