Thursday, April 05, 2007

My New Primary Song...

"I looked out the window and what did I see? Snowflakes falling off the Bradford Pear tree. Spring has brought me such a nice surprise, blossoms falling right before my eyes. I can take an armful and make a treat, a snowflake ball that would feel so neat. It wasn't really so, but it was to me. Snowflakes falling off the Bradford Pear tree. "


Andrea said...

Sweet Melissa... only you... :)

ambyr said...

Melissa! I was checking out Courtney's blog which led me to yours! How the heck have you been? I can't believe you have 2 girls and on is almost 4!! WOW Anyway, I just got my blog up and I haven't emailed anybody yet. It's attached to my photography website. Go check it out! Anyway, what are you doing back east?
here's my email
ambyrporter@yahoo or
better known as ambyr spitzer right!
talk to you later

All Fun Family said...

haha, you WOULD write a primary song. oh my gosh!! mom told me the other day that you really get to come!!! I'm sooo excited!!!!!!

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