Wednesday, January 09, 2008


So this last year I read a lot of great books. Reading is one of my favorite things to do, but for a book-lover I am actually pretty picky. So maybe I'm not a true book worm, but there is just nothing better to me than cuddling up under a blanket and reading a book that you just CAN'T put down until your eyes can no longer stay open because it is 2 in the morning!! I have many favorite books, it just depends on what kind of mood I'm in. This year I think my all time favorite books were the Twilight series, but coming in at second place is the book Sunflower by Richard Paul Evans. I just finished it this morning and I loved it. It's very easy reading and you can get through it in a couple of hours. I seriously love to read, although my family knows that when I start a book it means that the house will be a wreck, dinner will rarely be fixed, and everything else in life is put on hold until I finish. It's sad, but true. So now I am officially out of good books to read. Any suggestions? It has to be really good, because like I said before, I'm kinda picky.


jen said...

Hey this is Jennifer (Smith) Pratt! My sister told me about your blog. Anyway. I LOVE good books too! Twilight was on the top of my list also, and like you, I'm pretty picky for good books. What are some of your favorite? My blog is I really liked "The Gift" by Richard Paul Evans

Ashlie said...

That's so awesome that you read. I wish I was more of a book reader. Anyways, how do you change your layout? I can never find any cute ones. I love visiting your site. Its always so cheerlful and fun! Hope you're doing well. BTW, the story about the garage door opener on the way to the temple totally came to my mind the other day. Have no idea why. lol

Amber said...

love the pink & black. i'll find a couple of good books for you and pass it on. love ya.

Anonymous said...

I just started publishing some of my book review on my blog. It's online at

Stop by from time to time and maybe you'll find something new.

Nicole said...

Sorry, I would have mentioned Twilight series but sounds like you've already found it. I am reading the first one and can hardly put it down.

Lisa said...

what is the deal with the twilight series? i've heard about it so much lately. looks like i better find me a copy and get to it. unfortunatley i am in a book club and we have read absolutely nothing of any interest. i barely finish reading the books i'm so bored. i'm like you. i want a book that i can't put down regardless of what the house and family needs, i will be locked in a room until its done.

Beth said...

I remember reading "the sunflower" at Brebeuf (highschool). It was a really good book, kind of sad though if I recall. I may have a couple of books I could lend to you the next time we get together :-)

Lew said...

I loved the Twilight series too! Some of my all-time favorite books:
East of Eden
Man's Search for Meaning
And, I need to finish Kite Runner

You've probably already read these, but thought I'd suggest them. I really want to start a book club so bad!! I love reading too.

Jen said...

I SO know what you mean about starting a new book = life put on hold! Sometimes I think I'm addicted to books. When I'm reading a good one--I can't stop thinking about it! I unknowingly lose hours of my life!

I really like young adult literature. Maybe it's because I'm immature--or maybe because too many grown-up books are fully of yucky stuff.

My ward's book club is reading The Giver by Lois Lowry this month. That is one of my favorites. My all time favorite is the Belgariad series by David Eddings. It's fantasy (think Lord of the Rings)--so I guess that makes me nerdy, but it's really good! I also love the Little House on the Prarie series (I just discovered those books about 2 years ago). I could go on and on.

I've never heard of the Twighlight series. Oh! Another one--Peter and the Starcatchers and the other books in that "series". It's a book about the beginnings of Peter Pan and the Lost Boys and the Mermaids(heavily influenced by the Disney version of Peter Pan as opposed to Barrie's original).

Happy Reading!

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