Yesterday, Cloey turned four. So in honor of her and the four years she has blessed our life, I decided to list four things about her that completely melt my heart.
1. She is completely enamored with her big sister. At about 9 am everyday (an hour after we drop Katelund off at school) she asks me, "Is it time to pick Katelund up at the bus stop?"
4. I'm afraid that when I have another baby I am going to be completely out of a job. Cloey is one of the most motherly little girls I have ever seen!! In our last ward there was a little 18 month old girl that was completely infatuated with Cloey. In fact, whenever she would get in her carseat to go home she always had to have Cloey buckle her up. She would even cry out for Cloey in sacrament meetings. Cloey just has this thing for babies. She has a little stuffed animal tiger named "Roar" (very creative name, huh?). Roar is her baby. She dresses him in dresses and pajamas everyday. She even puts him down for naps. One time she left Roar at Grandma and Grandpa's house. This is the email that Grandpa wrote Cloey....
Dear Cloey,
I will wash Roar tonight and dry him off and even let him sleep on grandma's side of the bed tonight.
I will let him ride around in my car with me during the day so he can keep me company at work too!
Thank you for sharing Roar with me this week.
I will bring him with me when I bring your mommy home from the airport.
I love you and miss you so very much. I miss & love Katelund too, will you tell her that for me?
Love Grandpa
Happy Birthday Cloey!!! I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO
Happy Birthday Cloey!!! I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO
Happy birthday, sweet Cloey! We love you!
Happy Birthday Cloey.... Hope your day was awesome...
So very cute! Hope you all are doing well in your new home! We're moving out to San Francisco in two weeks. Hannah asked me to have you tell Cloey and Katelund hi for her! Have a great weekend!
You described the Cloey that melts my heart perfectly! Having said that, it really only takes her big blue eyes to gaze into mine to melt me.
Love Grandma by the beach
Happy Birthday Cloey ba-boey
Happy Birthday Cloey!!! What a precious little girl.
so so so cute! My youngest just turned 5 today. Such a fun age. =)
Happy Birthday, Cloey!
We miss you guys. Are you getting settled in?
Oh how I love that girl! Holy cow is Cory starting to look like Dad or what? Ca-Razy! I love that story of Roar! I had forgotten about that. Love all of you!
How funny....I was just thinking how much Cory looks like Sherrie! but he has his Daddy's smile, I think. Cloey was so sweet with Mallory when we saw you all...I can totally see the mommy in her. What a sweet little girl! Happy 4 years, Cloey! Has it really been that long ago....that long labor and our early days of friendship?
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