Monday, March 31, 2008

Our Top 20...

There are many things that I fail or slack in as a mother...for example; the number of veggies my children get each day, the amount of milk they drink (or don't drink), how I let them stay up and watch American Idol with me and Cory, how neither of my children are in preschool nor have they been in ballet or gymnastics, how on most days they are in their pajamas until lunchtime and except for Sundays, I usually let them wear whatever they want (as bizarre as it may look). But...there is one thing that I refuse to fail in and that is reading to my children. I love children's books (except for the ones that I have to read 20 times a day)!! My favorite class in college was Children's Literature and that is when I began to collect children's books. Now I get most of them from Goodwill or wherever else I find a good deal.

Reading time is not only my favorite things to do with my girls because I love books, but also because it is the one time where I have their full attention and when they will snuggle up really close to me for the whole 20 minutes. My sister asked me if I would make a list of some of my favorite children's books for her to check out at the library for her kids. I thought that was such a great idea. So I'm posting these hoping that others will let me know some of their favorites as well. So here is our (me and my girls) top 20...

Love You Forever by Robert Munsch (my all-time favorite!!!)
Happy Birthday Thomas! by Rev W. Awdry (Cloey's all-time favorite...she even has it memorized)
Barbie Wheel of Fashion by Jill L. Goldowsky (Katelund's all-time favorite!)
4. Philadelphia Chickens by Boynton (Sandra and her's a collection of songs with a CD)
5. Happy Birthday, Moon by Frank Asch
Pajama Time by Sandra Boynton (really I love any Sandra Boynton book)
7. From Head to Toe by Eric Carle (LOVE Eric Carle)
8. Little Monster's Bedtime Book by Mercer Mayer
9. Gregory, the Terrible Eater by Mitchell Sharmat
10. The Jacket I Wear in the Snow by Shirley Neitzel (great for building confidence in emergent readers)
11. The Crippled Lamb by Max Lucado (any of his books are great as well)
12. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin
13. A House For Hermit Crab by Eric Carle
14. We Just Moved by Stephen Krensky
15 Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes (LOVE IT!!!)
16. My Teacher Sleeps in School by Leatie Weiss
17. There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly by Simms Taback (great for building confidence in emergent readers)
18. Put Me in the Zoo by Lopshire
19. The Brand New Kid by Katie Couric
20. Are You My Mother by P.D. Eastman


MANDY said...

I love your list... we also love Sandra Boynton books, the illustrations are so cute. And more than a couple more of yours would be on our list, as well. I, too, love to read and it was Children's Lit that got my collection started, too. I wish I could write children's books, wouldn't that be cool?

Amber said...

What a cute idea!! Thanks for the suggestions! Also, congrats on the sonogram!! Yea!! I feel so out of it bc we've been at Grandma's & Grandpa's w/out internet for 5 days!! AAH!!

Andrea said...

Thanks for the list! I forgot about Chrysanthemum. Hmmm... I'll have to go find that.

Rebecca said...

I have to add to your list one of our all time favs (which we got at Marshall's). It is called I Love You Stinky Face! Our kids like it and we like it. Small and hardback for about 3 bucks. Hard to beat that!

Lena said...

Great list! Thanks for sharing. My kids aren't in any sports yet and still aren't in school ;) Well, okay, they are, but here at home. It's the best and we can still stay in our jammies until lunch!

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