Saturday, March 15, 2008

My Incredible Cousin

My cousin Jenna just had a baby a couple of months ago. She took a couple of weeks off after having her baby and then had to leave her baby to finish out the rest of the year teaching her 6th grade class. Her little baby Cade stays with his Grandma during the day, except for the days that his Daddy takes him to his class at BYU and then spends the rest of the day with him. I couldn't even begin to imagine how hard it must be for Jenna to do what she's doing. When I did my student teaching in Texas, I cried everyday when I left Katelund with my mom or my sister, not that I didn't know she was in good hands, but the fact that I was missing even one day of her life was horrible to me. It was so hard. I couldn't imagine having to do it with a brand new baby and while nursing, pumping, not sleeping, planning lessons every night, and adjusting to life as a mother. Her husband, Cole, is such a sweet guy. He secretly got into her blog account and posted a whole post about how much he loves Jenna and how grateful he is for her sacrifices. It is the most adorable post ever. If you have a moment, you should check it out. Her link can be found on my link list as "Jenna".


Jenna said...

thanks so much Melissa! You're sweet!! And congrats!!!! I am so excited for you!!

Matthew and Shanna said...

Ok I think I am probably the last person to find out your pregnant! How exiting! I guess I should check blogs a little more often! I hope everything goes well for you!

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