Wednesday, February 11, 2009

the little girl....{or boy?} me

This morning was one of those mornings where I literally had to drag myself out of bed to go running. I so did not want to go!! But my determination to drop a dress size stuck it out and finally overcame my oh-so-sleepy-and-my-bed-is-so-warm self. So...I went for a run. But it was not an ordinary run for me. I decided to run really hard today since I will be missing tomorrow morning's run (Cory is going to be out of town...maybe I shouldn't have said that considering the fact that my blog is available for all of the crazies of the world to read).

Okay...back to my amazing run. Cory helped me put a whole bunch of new songs on my Ipod last night, so I was feeling really excited about running to some new music If I know what song comes next, without looking on my playlist, then it needs to be changed up!. I was really pushing myself. I even ran up TWO of my "Mt. Everest" hills (I have never ran the entire way up either one of them) . (Sorry, I'm going crazy on the paranthesis again!!) I swear the reason I was able to run up both of them was because I was listening to THE BEST running music ever....Cascada. I L.O.V.E. her!

I was feeling really good and was in an adventurous mood, so I decided to do something that I have been wanting to do for months. I stopped running in order to walk over a log that had fallen about 6 feet over a creek running along side the road. It was SO SCARY! I was literally shaking. But, it was SO FUN and I did it without falling. I don't know what would have happened if I'd fallen. I guess I would've been really hurt and really wet. While I was crossing back over, there were a couple of cars that passed by. I wonder what they were thinking. I'm sure that somewhere in their thoughts were the words "crazy lady". I seriously felt like a little girl...or maybe more like a little boy.


InkMom said...

Boy. Definitely a boy. Have you been hanging out with my kids? This is right up their alley . . . especially the "I can do anything without getting hurt" part.

We'll have to compare playlists because THE ONLY REASON I ever go longer than a tenth of a mile is because I have good music to listen to. Seriously, loud, driving music has its purpose . . . motivation.

Good for you!

Rebecca said...

oh yay for you! Mt Everest twice. Wow. I am going to walk around Target today, that will have to count for me. Wish I had your drive!

Andrea said...

Good morning, crazy lady! :)

I've never heard of Cascada. But I went and checked her out. That does sound like great running music.

Unknown said...

I can just picture you working up your courage! Love it! You are so fun!

Lena said...

Lol, crazy lady! I like working out to The Beach Boys!

Kristi said...

I found your blog. Your girls are so cute and I honestly don't know if I should have read the rest of it while I'm 7 months pregnant. I definitely shed some tears over your story. I'm so sorry for your loss of your sweet little girl. I just can't even imagine.
It's so fun to read what you guys are up to. I don't think that I've seen you since your wedding. We should get together in Dallas sometime. I go there all the time to visit my parents.

Amber said...

You go girl!! I'm very impressed. You are oh so brave. Seriously can't wait for two weeks!!!

Tricia said...

You definitely can't blame the girls' energy and drive on dad alone. :)

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