Tuesday, December 04, 2007


That is what these presents have been saying to me for the past 4 days!! My mom sent my birthday present a little bit early and it has been KILLING me!!! I seriously have shaken it, felt it, held it up to the light, and everything else that I could think of to figure out what it was without opening it, but....to no avail!!! Anyone that knows me knows that I have a really hard time keeping in surprises, in fact most people know what I'm getting them for Christmas and/or birthdays before I ever send it out to them. I can't help it....I just get so excited. One Christmas when I was a little girl, I opened all of my presents under the tree and then re-wrapped them. A couple of years ago my mother-in-law told me that it was a matter of integrity to not open presents before your birthday or Christmas. Ever since she said that, I have NOT ONCE opened a present before the specified day, but I'm not going to lie.....IT IS ABSOLUTE TORTURE!!!! So anyways, here I am on my birthday and now FINALLY I get to OPEN, OPEN, OPEN!!! YEAH!!!!


Rebecca said...


Jen said...

Happy Birthday Melissa! I hope you have a GREAT day and have lots of fun opening your presents! (I love the torture of seeing wrapped presents and not being able to open them! Without anticipation, birthdays and Christmas would be boring...)

Lisa said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MELISSA! Hope you have a great time opening all those gifts. :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!
I am the same way when giving gifts....I can't contain my excitement! This year I'm getting my husband a Ripstick, and it KILLS me when we go to Toys R Us and he tries it out...it's all I can do to not grin like a cheshire cat and give it away, ha ha!

Amber said...

That's hilarioius. As soon as I saw the title & the presents I knew exactly what your post was going to be about!! I'm glad to know that with all the time & distance, I still know some things about you. You ARE the worst at surprises. It's soo cute! I am very impressed that you've been able to withstand. So, what was it??

Happy Birthday, I love you & am so grateful that you are my friend & sister.

Melissa said...

I was waiting for someone to ask what it was!!! It was a whole bunch of scrapbook paper, ribbons, stickers, chipboard letters and shapes, etc... You know all of those little things, like ribbon, that make your heart pitter patter. :)

Lindsey said...

Happy Birthday Melissa!! Hope you had a fun day yesterday!

Lisa said...

scrapbooking supplies! what a great mom. that's the only thing i ever ask for from my family for birthdays and christmas and i get gift cards to michaels. i think they are all worried that it wont be "just what i wanted". i LOVE scrapbooking stuff. yea! happy birthday and enjoy them.

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