Friday, May 06, 2011

Trying to not be irritable...

One of the worst things about "pregnant me" is that I get so irritable so easily. I don't know why. Well, I do. I'm sure it has a lot to do with hormones and all that stuff, but it is really annoying. I hate it when I feel irritable, and I really have to fight it like crazy when I'm pregnant. Here are some of the things that have caused me to to be irritable lately....

So I totally went back and deleted my list. It was horrible and I was so embarrassed after I wrote it. So, obviously this post was just what I needed to get over myself.


Rebecca said...

I am also an easily annoyed irritable pregnant person. When pregnant I feel so bad for Kaylee, who I think gets most of the mood swings and for whose life I have been pregnant a lot. Hang in there!

Tasha L. said...

I know just how you feel! I always feel bad for my kids because I get so irritable when I'm pregnant.

The things I've found that help are sleep, exercise, and nutrition - all really hard to stay up with when you're pregnant. Good luck.

My little sister once tried to comfort me by telling me to be happy that I wasn't an elephant - because elephants have a 22 month gestation period. So, take heart. ;)

Carrie said...

I am not pregnant and I still know exactly what you mean. I had one of those days today. It made me feel better just to read that I wasn't the only one! I don't have an excuse for being irritable though...

Jen said...

Hang in there! I too get irritable when pregnant.

Here's what helped me last pregnancy: since I would feel genuinely mad/frustrated at something and couldn't really tell if it was valid, I would ask someone I husband.

It goes like this: "A, B, and C are making me SO FRUSTRATED because of X, Y, and Z. Is that reasonable, or am I crazy pregnant lady?"

If he said it was ridiculous, I had to believe him and get over it (or do my best to act as though I wasn't bothered). It really helped most of the time.

(even when it was him I was mad at! once he knew it wasn't me, it was hormones, he was so much more patient.)

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