Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Best Friends

This was the conversation in the car the other day with Katelund and Cloey....

Katelund: Mom, you have to pull over right here to pick up my friend Casey (Casey and Tina are the names she uses for her Barbies, babies, and imaginary friends).
Me: Okay hold on let me pull off to the side of the road (so that I can pretend to pick up her friend).
Katelund: Oh, thank you Mommy! Casey needs a ride to school and she is my very best friend.
Cloey: I'm not your very best friend!!???
Katelund: No, your my sister.
Me: Katelund, your sister will always be your very best friend.

After I said those words, they really sank into me. How true it is. My sisters (and sister-in-laws) truly are some of my very best friends!! I love each one of them so much and each of them touch my life in their own unique way and in ways that they will probably never even know.


Amber said...

How sweet!! I feel the same about you. Love ya!!

Katie Bear said...

So true! My sisters are my best friends too! I love you!

Andrea said...

Ditto. Love ya!

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