I am so excited, we finally have our computer up and running again (thanks to Cory's home teaching companion). The other week at Enrichment, the sister that was teaching asked everyone who writes regularly in their journal to raise their hands. I was so proud of the fact that I could raise my hand because I consider blogging as my journal writing.
This last week I finished making my Christmas cards and I sewed 10 Christmas presents. I felt like such a "Martha Stewart" this week. I slacked off a little in my running because I had some really bad cramps but I made up for it by accomplishing some great projects. I decided this weekend that I really like to sew. There is nothing like the feeling after you have sewn something all by yourself and it looks good.
I am just on such a high lately. I am just so happy in my life. Are things perfect? No, and they never will be in mortality, but I am finding that they older I get and the more I grow spiritually, the happier I become with who I am and how my life is going. It is so easy to become upset over the little insignificant misfortunes that life brings, but when I have an eternal perspective it is so easy to deal with the hard times through rose-colored glasses.
I had such a wonderful birthday last week. I couldn't believe how many random people in my ward called, wrote a letter, or just wished me a happy birthday. Last night as we were at our ward Christmas party and I was walking around from table to table talking to people and saying hello, I realized how much I am beginning to love my ward here in Asheville. I wasn't sure that the day would ever come where I would feel like this ward even compared to our Fayetteville ward, but the day has surely come. Heavenly Father is so wise and loving by setting our church up in ward units where together we become a family as we learn how to serve, forgive, lead, follow, and love one another.
Tonight we had the missionaries over for dinner and I had invited my neighbor , Beth, to come over also. She ended up not coming. I was so disappointed. I was so excited after we talked for so long about the gospel, and after she had gone to the Christmas devotional and told me she wanted to come to church with us. Cory was trying to cheer me up and telling me that I needed to keep loving her and planting seeds so that the Spirit will prompt her when it is time. I know that he is right, I was just so excited about sharing the gospel with her. It is like having the most valuable precious thing in the world and just yearning to share it with others and have them feel the same way about it. I will just keep being her friend (which is very easy because she is an incredible girl) and pray for the Spirit to work within her heart.