Thursday, February 25, 2010


The other day I told my girls the story of Esther for their bedtime story. As I was midway through the story, I realized that although it is a great story, to a 4 or 6 year old, it may seem a little scary or weird considering the fact that Esther could have been killed for going before the king, aka her husband, and pleading for him to spare her people from certain death. Hmmm...maybe not the best bedtime story??? Well anyways, I continued the story and then focused on the fact that just like Esther, both of them have a special purpose and that there is something so special about each one of them that makes them so important to Heavenly Father and that there are things for them to do in their lifetime that nobody else could do as good as them. I wasn't sure if they really understood what I meant, but at least they seemed to be listening.

Then the other day Katelund came up to me and asked, "Mommy, what is it about me that makes me special and important and that on one else can do like me?" I then went on to tell her. It was such a sweet moment, especially as I saw this little light in her eyes as she realized how truly special she was. I believe that one of the greatest blessings of motherhood are the glimpses that our Heavenly Father allows us to see of the divine within our children. To see the greatness and the potential that are within reach of the ones that we love so dearly, is not only rewarding but also incredibly humbling and sometimes even a little overwhelming. At least it is for me, as I realize what a weighty responsibility I have to help them to see themselves the way that I see them, or even more importantly, to see themselves the way that God sees them...even to a small degree.

When I walked into the room and saw Katelund holding Hailey and sleeping so peacefully next to her, I had one of those moments. A moment where I saw a little girl who would someday be an incredible mother, which to me is one of the greatest roles and responsibilities there is.


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful post and so true.

MANDY said...

That picture is priceless. When you share stories like that I feel inspired to share more with my kids. I think I often sell them short as far as how much of the scriptural stories they'd understand and actually listen to. Thanks for sharing.

Staceroo said...

Your daughters are extremely blessed to have you as their mother. I am sure they will grow up to be truly amazing women. I know they came to the Kingdom (and your family) for such a time as this.

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