Everyday after work, Cory comes home and gets dressed to go running. Well the other day, the girls decided that they wanted to go too, so we got them all ready and drove to the trail that Cory runs on. The trail takes you into the forest off of the Blue Ridge Parkway. So Cory starts running, and the girls and I start walking down the trail behind him. Well eventually the girls lost sight of their daddy, and Katelund started to panic. She was so afraid that he was going to get lost. I reassured her over and over again that he would be just fine, but it was to no avail. After I began to realize that her worry was not easing up at all, I stopped the girls, got down on my knees and told them that when we are afraid or nervous that we need to say a prayer. So Katelund said a prayer that her Daddy would not get lost. Then as we continued our walk, she was still feeling anxious so I talked to her about what faith was and how after we say a prayer we have to have faith that it will be answered. Then we started singing all of the primary songs that we could think of that taught us about faith. Well, after some time had passed, she relaxed and was okay. Eventually Cory caught back up with us, we thanked Heavenly Father for his help, and we went home to have our Family Home Evening (about faith of course).
Yesterday, Cory came home and began his routine of getting ready to go running. He was putting his shoes on and Cloey walked up to him and said,..."Daddy, if you say a prayer and sing songs then you won't get lost on the trail, okay?" It was SO ADORABLE! The funny thing is that I thought that whole experience was for Katelund, who'd have thought that it was also for my sweet little two-year-old. The faith of a child never ceases to amaze me!!