Wednesday, September 09, 2009

My 6 year old

Katelund turned 6 on August 10th, the day that we left for Utah. We tried really hard to make it a special day for her, but it is a little hard when you spend the entire day on the road. Before we left, we had our traditional pancake birthday breakfast and opened presents and then once we were on the road we stopped in the afternoon and got her a shake at Sonic and let her listen to whatever music she wanted, but I still think she was feeling kinda jipped. But no worries, because Aunt Amber knew just what to do. She planned a suprise Hello Kitty birthday party for her when she got to Utah. I think it was the best birthday party she has ever had because she actually had cousins, grandparents, great grandparents, aunts, and uncles there. After the birthday cake, hamburger donuts from Lehi Bakery, and presents, we went and spent the rest of the day at the water park. It was so much fun and Katelund is still talking about how much she loved her birthday party. Thanks Aunt Amber (oh except for the loud and obnoxious gifts that you and Brittney so kindly got for her)!!


Anonymous said...

Hey that is what family is for to give the abnoxious toys so that the parents can go Crazzzyyyyy...LOL.. Cause that is what happens to us all the's fun though...

MANDY said...

Happy belated birthday to Katelund! Aren't they growing super fast?! I hope she's enjoying 1st grade.

Deon said...

Birthday parties with cousins are always the best!!!!

Rebecca said...

(my announcement was in the poetic post...and I am 11 weeks)

Happy Birthday Katelund!!

Amber said...

We had sooo much fun!! It was wonderful to be able to celebrate her special day with her. Don't worry, I don't feel the least bit bad about the gifts! LOL.

Carrie said...

Where has the time gone? I remember when you were potty training her! Happy 6th Katelund!!!!!!

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