Friday, November 09, 2012

What November Looks Like in Our Home

There are a lot of blogs out there that have REALLY cute and great ideas for celebrating the seasons. Unfortunately, I am not one of those blogs, but I do celebrate and decorate in my own, not as amazing, way. So here are some things that we have going on around our house...
Picture 1....For Family Night, we started a grateful chain. We had a lesson on "living with Thanksgiving daily" and what that means. Then we started our chain. Each night, the girls, Cory, and I all add a link that says what we're thankful for that day. We turn the paper so that we cannot read what each other wrote when it is hanging on the chain. On Thanksgiving day, we are going to read all the links aloud. This has been really fun for the girls, and I think it's a tradition we will keep. Picture 2....These blocks were sent to me about 4 years ago from my sister-in-law Amber. I LOVE them!! I put them out each year, but this year I found that I was missing the S in thanks, and I also think Makayla or Hailey ripped off the K. Oh well, it still reminds me to "give thanks" and also reminds me of my sweet sister and friend who is always thinking and giving to others. Picture 3....No home decor would be complete without children's artwork!!!! Picture 4....Of course I can't forget the pinterest project that I started a month ago that is still not finished. Someday I'll finish it and it will be adorable! :) Picture 5....This is our family "scripture board". I write new quotes and/or scriptures on it every week or two. Sometimes I talk about it with my girls and other times I just write it up there and let them read it on their own. You've got to immerse them in the scriptures in every way possible right? :) Picture 6....When Jenae was here visiting, we took a trip to Ikea where I got this adorable lantern. The decorating ideas are endless and I'm so excited to rotate what's inside for each season.


All Fun Family said...

Very cute decorations. My current November decorations consist of those three little pumpkins we bought at that pumpkin patch in October and the Mexican corn that still sit in a box in my girls' closet.

I love your Thanksgiving chain. That's a really cute idea. Did you come up with it? That should go on Pinterest so I can pin it and do it some year.

Melissa said...

Yes, I came up with it. I will not let Pinterest take credit for MY idea. :)

Carrie said...

I am totally pinning your awesome chain Melissa!!! It is a great idea and I think your house looks adorable!!

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