Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Goodbye 2011, Hello 2012

While Cory's parents were here last week, Cory took me on an afternoon date to the "mountains". This place is BEAUTIFUL!! It is a park that is made specifically for road and trail hiking, biking, walking, and running. It is one of our favorite places around here. I have been biking and running on the roads but I've never been biking on the trails before. It was a first for me and I absolutely LOVED it!!! We had such a great time doing it together. Cory is actually really good at it. He and some of his friends go mountain biking at least once or twice a week together. He just loves biking period. He likes to road bike but recently he has become a huge fan of mountain biking. I wanted to see what it was all about. It is actually probably the most extreme sport I've ever done on land ( sky coasting and parasailing are the most extreme sports I've done), although I guess skiing can be an extreme sport for some, and I guess last year our date night on the Harley while I was pregnant was pretty extreme and probably completely crazy of me (although, it is one of my favorite memories ever). Anyways, it was such a fun date for us.

On Saturday, Cory and I took the girls back to this same spot to ride on the "roads" (paved trails) that wind through the "mountains" (more like huge hills but they are absolutely beautiful and covered with pine trees and deer). We decided to leave Makayla home with Grandma and Grandpa (the babies usually ride together in a bike trailer that Cory pulls), but it was so weird not having her with us. It's so funny how our family of five that used to feel so big, feels so small and incomplete without our little Makayla. I so look forward to the day when our family of six will be reunited and complete with seven, our perfect little Clairisa. In fact, did you know that in Hebrew the number seven is symbolic for complete and whole? Pretty cool, huh? Our family biking trip was the perfect way to spend the last day of 2011. It was a great year for us, and we are looking forward to another wonderful year in 2012. One filled with more memories, moments, and milestones that will not only matter, but that will mold us into the kind of people that we want to become. Here's to a wonderful 2012!

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