1. A trip to Sam Moon's in Dallas. Besides Charming Charlie's, it is my favorite jewelery/accessory store ever! My mom, my little sister Katie, her baby Callie, and me and my girls took a day trip to Dallas to buy way too much jewelery (plus an awesome new green purse I got...Carrie, you would be totally jealous), eat lunch at Braum's (another Texas favorite), visit the temple grounds, and splurge at Sprinkles Cupcakes (their cupcakes have no preservatives and all the ingredients are organic, hormone free, and the very best).
2. Eat at Spring Creek Barbeque. Mmmmmmm!! I love me some Texas BBQ, especially at Spring Creek. We met up with one of my mom's uncles who just happened to be in Dallas for business. It was fun to be with him and all the rest of my family while devouring the best rolls and brisket ever!!!
3. Go to the Dallas temple. We ended up not being able to attend the session we had planned on but at least we were able to go. We took lots of pictures of my girls and Callie touching the temple. Just being on the temple grounds brought me so much peace and happiness, and of course the memories of that August day came flooding back to me. I always love to see the temple, but especially the Dallas temple...where Cory and I's journey began. And, I learned something I didn't know. The temple is located on Willow Road. Oh, the symbolism. :)
The rest of the week we spent time in the pool (or sitting by the pool), paddling in the canal behind my parent's neighborhood, enjoying home cooked meals by my sisters, biting my nails and crying over BYU's loss in the Sweet Sixteen, laughing, shopping, cringing as I watched my dad driving around town with both Katelund and Cloey in the front seat of his convertible, staying up late at night with my mom, and just enjoying every second together,

I felt so blessed to be there when the Bluebonnets were out!!! There is nothing like a field covered in bluebonnets. Oh, how I LOVE TEXAS!!!! Sorry Tennessee, you just don't have quite the same appeal.

Here I am in the driver's seat, where I spent 30 hours. Although it was a long drive, it was worth every single mile. Gas for a trip to Texas=$400. Memories made on that trip =priceless!!!!