The other day I saw this quote and I immediately fell in love with it. Some of the greatest sermons I have ever heard are the ones that have been whispered to my heart as I have gazed upon the beauties of the earth.
This year it has not been working properly, but last fall and winter, Cory and I would spend each night, after the girls went to bed, out in our hot tub. We would talk about everything. We would laugh together, solve problems together, and then there were moments were we would just snuggle up close to each other and silently sit in awe as we took in the heavenly star-filled night sky. Those moments are some of the most precious ones I remember because on those nights it seemed as if every care or concern would just wash away as we remembered that we are part of a plan that is far greater than anything we could ever imagine. Part of a plan that was established and organized before the creation of our world and one that will continue on past this mortal life. It was then, that everything was put back into perspective.

On our latest trip to Clairisa's grave, as I was walking back to the car, I felt a fresh wave of sadness come over me. Then, as I looked up, I saw the most beautiful buds formimg on the tree in front of me. As I thought of these little buds forming, the Spirit so beautifully reminded me once again that death is not the end. That although the leaves of life fall and the branches become bare and lonely, spring will come. New beautiful leaves will perfectly grow back and the tree will not only come to life, but it will grow back bigger and even more beautiful. The sermon that was spoken directly to my soul that day was just the one that I needed to hear.

This year I planted pink tulips once again. As I waited and worried over them, I felt so much anticipation and excitement for the day that I would finally see their pink delicate petals. The green leaves appeared, but no flower. A couple of days before I left for Texas, there was still no blooming flower. I had decided that I must have waited too long to plant them and that the flower would never bloom. I was so discouraged and disappointed. But, the Lord knew that these were no ordinary tulips. For in them, lies one of the greatest sermons I've ever heard. That very day, my friend Amy, who I have not seen for a long time, showed up at my door with a pot of pink tulips. I also got a package in the mail from my sweet sister-in-law, Stefani, who sent me a skirt with pink tuilips all over it. Then, as if that wasn't enough, I recieved a sweet email from my friend Melissa, who had sent me the most amazing pictures of Holland's fields full of brightly colored tulips. That day, I had not only felt the Lord's love in my life, but I had also been ministered to by three of his precious angels. The very next day, my tulips bloomed.
Yes, I do believe that the gospel is written in the trees, the flowers, and the stars, for all things testify of Christ. If only we have the eyes to see, the ears to hear, and the heart to feel, then and only then, will we receive the most beautiful sermons of our life.

I heard a quote the other day about how some things may seem like a coincidence, when really, God is showing us that even the small things in our life- He is aware of. What a neat experience of love from our Heavenly Father. love ya!
Melissa, I loved this post! Tearfully, but I loved it! Thank you for sharing such a beautiful gift from the Lord with us; the ability to put on paper what you feel and know in your heart and somehow allowing us to feel a small part of it too.
What a great post. I love the picture of the girls with the tulips in front of them-so sweet. Is that a Temple?
Love that.
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