This was the puzzle that I made for FHE. After the lesson on Monday night, I have left it sitting out on a table in the library. Yesterday as I passed it many times throughout the day, I really thought about how I am doing in creating this dream house of mine. Some days I do good, other days I completely fail. Some areas I am constant in and others I really struggle with. Having order in my home is one of the areas that I struggle with. I am not a schedule driven person. I don't like to have a day each week to do my laundry. I want to do laundry on whatever day I feel like. I don't want to have a certain hour each day that I have to scrub my bathroom. AHHH!! I can't stand that kind of schedule. I try to have some kind of routine to my day and week but I have to have some flexibility because I don't want to grocery shop when it is raining outside. I don't want to organize and clean out my fridge unless it is trash day, and I definitely don't want to spend my day cleaning if I just need to have a day to focus on others because I need some service endorphins (I actually listened to a BYU devotional once where the man speaking told about scientific studies that actually prove that we get an endorphin "high" from serving).
But, when it comes to my children, I am all about routine. They have an online chore chart for every morning and night (thanks Melissa N.!!!), they have 30 minutes of outside playtime after school and then it's homework time, no tv or movies on weekdays, Saturday morning is spent doing house/yard work, etc, etc. I know there has to be routine but there is still a part of me that fights against it. Being a stay at home mom can be pretty monotonous on its own, I don't want to add to it by making myself stick to a rigorous schedule each day of the week. Not that there is anything wrong with it, I greatly admire people who are so organized and orderly in their life.
I may not like to live by a rigorous schedule but I do yearn to have more organization in my home. So, for my spring cleaning this year, I am adding organizational projects to my list. My friend Rebecca did before and after pics of her organizational projects about a year ago. I'm thinking that I might steal this idea. It may actually give me some motivation to really do a good job. But, if I do this, PLEASE don't judge me for my lack of organizational skills. It's just not one of my strengths. I like a clean house and I like to be somewhat organized, but I am by no means organized when I think of some of my friends who seem to be experts in the area. I have a ways to go....but I am going to start somewhere. Picture one coming soon....remember....no judging!!!
thought you might like this recipe!
How could anyone ever judge you when you are AMAZING in every way Melissa!?!?
I remember when I used to be organized (not Kristen organized-I wish, but so-so organized), it was nice. Working even just part time has really changed that! Somethings got to give and unfortunately that was one thing...You should see my closets...SCARY! I definitely have major overhaul plans for my Spring cleaning/organizing too! I can't wait to see the before and afters. I am HUGE B & A fan!!! I almost forgot! I love your house FHE idea.
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