Over the last couple of years, I have become obsessed with trees [okay not really obsessed, but really into]. I'm not really sure why. It is actually kindof strange. Even to the point that I get onto my children when they use paper towels in the public bathrooms if there is an option to use an air dryer, and if there is not an option they only get ONE paper towel. I have even stopped scrapbooking because I feel like I use SO MUCH paper. Instead, I'd rather just use my blog, although, I still use my cute paper for projects. I still use disposable diapers and I could never stop using wet wipes. And, I don't think I could ever get on board with a kindle for a book because I love the smell and feel of turning an actual page in a book. So, I guess I'm not an actual tree hugger, but, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to learn about and admire trees. As I walk through my neighborhood, I study them. I try to pick out which is which and discover different things about when and how they bloom and what colors their leaves turn and for how long. On Clairisa's first birthday, Cory's parents gave us a willow tree to plant in our backyard because they knew that everytime I saw a willow tree I thought of her. She is buried in the shadow of the most beautiful willow tree I have ever seen. I have babied my little willow tree. I have over watered, under watered, etc...because I am so obsessed with [my willow tree...I'm really obsessed with] it's good health. Last year we landscaped around it as a family project and this last fall I planted seven (seven is symbolic in Hebrew for perfection) pink tulips around it.
The class that I just taught at Women's Conference was about family history and how to get started. I LOVE symbolism so I taught the class with a parable that came to me one day last week as I was admiring my beautiful Bradford Pear trees in my front yard. It was called the Parable of the Trees. In the process of preparing for my class, I did a lot of research on the Bradford Pear trees and the Redwood trees (those are the two I compared). I learned so much and had so much fun doing it. As I came home this week, I decided to continue my researching. You see, unlike most girls, I don't day dream about what my future kitchen will look like or what my dream house would be. I day dream about what kinds of trees will grace my yard with their majestic beauty. Cheesy? Yes, I know. But, don't you already know that about me by this point? :) So which tree am I dreaming and studying about this week? The Japanese Magnolia (Tulip) tree. The tree of my dreams. [Scroll down to the last picture to see how beautiful it is at this time of year. Or
click here to see an incredible upclose picture taken by my amazing friend Destinee who has one in her backyard.]
We stopped by Clairisa's grave in Asheville on our way home from Fayetteville. If you look closely, you can see the willow tree in the background.
I would love to have any magnolia tree here! They are beautiful! My dream is to have a Japanese Maple tree in our back yard. I'll email you a picture.
I love willow trees too. That one is beautiful. I like tulip trees too, but I wish they were in bloom longer. Our yard is covered with trees. I bet we have already cut down 20some. You should visit in April when all our dogwoods are blooming. (And hydrangeas remind me of Hollis.)
Wow, that is a beautiful tree. Mom, Dad, and I planted a Magnolia tree at the Karalyn house years ago since it's Mom's favorite tree. I wonder if she's seen a Japanese Magnolia, though.
You and Jason should talk trees when you get here. He's not necessarily obsessed with trees, but he loves landscaping and gardening and anything to do with it.
Ya, obsessed may not be the right word for me either. I'm just really into them. I always think of mom when I see Magnolia trees!!!
You found the cursive-it looks so good with your background! :) When I saw the title of this post I thought you had gone hippie on us! I love trees too and raking leaves in the fall...the first couple of times...after that the fun wears off. I don't know if this is true but I heard the air dryers are really germy...I don't know if it true or not but the thought that it maybe is enough for me. :)Did you ever go to the library in downtown Asheville? In the bathrooms they have these towels fabric) that come out of a machine and feed themselves back through...That is the first time I ever left a public restroom without washing my hands...(don't worry I had antibac and wipes)I was not going to use a towel that lots of other people used!...I am just realizing that all I am commenting on is the germ part...I guess that is not too surprising! I love tree in the picture-the blooms are seriously amazing. I can see why that is your dream tree! I also LOVE the pictures of the girls at Clairisa's grave.
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