I took this picture of Cloey when I was eating lunch with her at school...which is why you may notice the food stuffed in the side of her cheek. :)
Story One...On Sunday, our ward held a fast for missionary work. Although I cannot fast, due to my current pregnant state(not prego...I know, I'm so weird, but I hate it when people say I am prego or any other slang term for pregnant. If you want to be prego, fine...but I am pregnant). Whew, I'm glad I finally got that out. :) So anyways, back to my story. I was trying to encourage my girls to be part of the fast. I told them that with the new time change for church, it works out perfectly for them to begin fasting with just one meal. They can fast breakfast and then eat lunch before church. Immediately, Cloey jumps on board with this idea, but Katelund is still hesitating with her decision. I told Cloey how proud I was of her for wanting to be part of fasting and what a blessing it will be for her to begin practicing the law of the fast now, while she is still not accountable for doing so. With that being said, she smiled and walked over to the pantry. She opened the door and said, "so then I want to eat ramen noodle". Apparently, she thought that she was "fasting" breakfast by eating ramen noodle (a lunch food) instead of breakfast foods. She was not so thrilled about her decision once she realized that fasting breakfast meant not eating anything, even lunch food, until it was lunch time.
Story Two...Cloey is learning about money in school. The other day she found a nickel on the ground. She was so excited! She wanted to go to the store right away and buy something with it. I asked her if she remembered how much a nickel was worth. She said, "yes, it is 5 cents...so that means I can buy 5 things at the store." If only that was really how it worked.
Story Three...Everyday when I drop the girls off in the morning, I remind them to do something nice for someone else that day. At dinner time (or many times as soon as they get off the bus) they report to me what service they performed that day at school. Cloey has really gotten into this. Her acts of service have gotten bigger and bigger. It started with helping a friend up when she fell (which happened like everyday for a week or so) and then it went to talking to somebody new or playing with a new friend at recess. Now it has gotten to the point where I have to be careful what she is wearing or what she takes to school because if her friends tell her they like her hat, or bracelet, or food, or whatever else, she gives it to them. Although, when I first found out that she had given away her cute little hat that kept her warm when she was walking home from school, I was not so happy. But then as I saw how excited she was to do something so nice for someone else, I couldn't help but be happy with her. She has such a tender little heart. No wonder we are told in the scriptures to become like a child.
I love LOVE her jacket!!
Story One: Man, I wish that's how fasting worked :P I'm not a fan of "prego" either. It has a huge-pregnant-lady connotation to it.
Story Three: She would fit in well in Japan. She better not give away that jacket! (Unless she wants to give it to Callie.)
I just caught up on your blog! So fun! You are such a sweet Momma and an inspirtation to me! Your girls are so darling too! We need to have a girls night out soon! I miss you--it seems like it has been a long time since we chatted!! By the way-I am glad you like the cream cheese chicken soup. That is one of our favorites too!
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