I still remember seeing it for the very first time. I remember thinking that I had never seen anything more beautiful in my life. As Cory carefully placed it on my ring finger, I remember how badly his own hand was shaking. Under the moonlight and the stars, and through the blurry vision created by tears, I still remember how beautifully it shone. For weeks afterwards, I would still find myself in a trance as I stared down at the engagement ring that had finally found its permanent home on my finger. It wasn't just the fact that it was beautiful and exactly what I had wanted, princess cut and all, it was also what it represented. It was a symbol of our love. A reminder of covenants and blessings that would bind us together for eternity.
As I look down at the same ring today, I still think it is absolutely gorgeous. It is not as shiny nor is it scratch-free, but it is still perfect. It is missing one of the small diamonds on the side, which I will not replace because just as everything in my life, I look at it symbolically. I lost it about four years ago. It was a time in my life when things were definitely not perfect. It was a turning point in our life together. A time when we both realized that a marriage takes constant work and nourishment. Our relationship with one another became first priority. Although that was a rough time for us, I draw strength from the results of it. Our relationship today is very strong and it is not something that either one of us take for granted...ever. The missing diamond in my ring reminds me of that time, but it also reminds me of so much more. It reminds me that my relationship with Cory is the most important relationship that I have here on earth. A relationship that needs constant and consistent polishing and strengthening, so that it will never be lost. Today, I am more in love with my husband than I was the day that I put my engagement ring on for the very first time. Our love has deepened and grown to a completely new level. He means everything to me and I will spend the rest of my life falling in love with him over and over again.
On Christmas morning, the very last present to be opened was from Cory to me. It was in a HUGE box. As I unwrapped and opened the box, I was surprised to see that there was another box to be opened. This continued on and on for about 10 more boxes. As I finally got down to the tiny little black box inside, I gently opened it and as I did all of the tender feelings that I feel for Cory were multiplied by a million. He held me in his arms as we sat and cried together. I knew that the ring was symbolic and I also knew that financially, it came at a great price. The ring is absolutely gorgeous. It is a ruby with small diamonds surrounding it. The ruby is Clairisa's birth stone. The ring not only reminds me of our perfect daughter whom I can't wait to be reunited with again someday, but it also reminds me that families can literally be together forever.
As I wear my wedding ring on my left hand, I think of the covenants that I made ten years ago across an altar in the Dallas temple. I think of the man, really boy, that I was completely in love with. Now as I look at the ring on my right hand, I realize that knowing what I have now, I really had no idea what it meant to truly be in love with someone. Someone who carried you when you were too weak to stand and someone who you have carried as well. Someone whom you have felt the deep anguish of sorrow and loss with and also someone whom you have experienced the greatest joy of all. The ring on my left hand reminds me of where we have been and how it all began. The ring that has now found its permanent home on my right hand is one that reminds us of where we want to go and how we can get there. Each one....a ring to remember. To remember,as Robert Frost so beautifully stated, that "[we] have promises to keep,
and miles to go before [we] sleep."

What a beautiful ring & a beautiful & sweet post. I needed to read that today-thanks! Now if I can just get me one of those rings on my other hand to remind me daily as well. :)
Beautiful rings and beautiful thoughts you shared. You are such a sweet Momma and wife!
That was beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
What a special gift! You and Cory are awesome together.....just so in love and so strong. It's so amazing to see how we've all grown over the years.
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