Monday, May 17, 2010

some pics taken in the last week...

[Blogger is driving me crazy!! This comment is supposed to be under the picture of the backpack.] This is what I found in Katelund's backpack last week when she came home from school. I hope she never outgrows her love of flowers/weeds/grass. She is such a nature lover.
[This comment is supposed to be under the last picture.]
So I really need to dye my hair again because I have some gray showing through (what is up with that???!!). So I need some opinions. Do you think I should dye it auburn again or should I do some highlights for the summer? It's curly because it is starting to get humid, and when it gets humid, there is just no point in straightening I let it go wild.


Rebecca said...

I love that hair color, but I also like to go lighter for summer. So I vote lighter for now then darker again in the fall. You look so great by the way. Wanna lose my last (not gonna tell you how many) pounds for me??

Jen said...

I didn't know your hair was curly--so cute!

Sherrie said...

I love the pictures! Please plan a time when we can skype. I am feeling so left out of life without my grandchildren.
Mom by the beach

kristi lee said...

I say go for highlights...on top of the wild curly look...hello, hotness!!!

*oh, i've got a swimsuit of cloey's & a tire for a gi joe toy that I'll send to school with kooper tomorrow.

MANDY said...

I LOVE your hair in that picture...long and curly. Go for some highlights for the summer. I always love the colors you use in your hair, so whatever will look great. Sweet pics of the girls.

All Fun Family said...

I love that picture of Hailey! She is sooo adorable. I like your hair auburn. It's more original. It seems like everyone goes lighter in the summer.

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